Dr. Claudius “CB” Claiborne


Langston High, Danville (1965)

According to several narratives, the Langston High School class of 1965 was the most honored class in the school’s 28 year history. This class had 122 graduating “super stars.” Two of the most honored students ever to attend Langston and other members of the audience were told the future is very bright for the Negro youth. Do you remember newspaper articles that use to say “you are a credit to your race?” Well, the wind has changed direction and “they” didn’t see it coming. They could not do anything to discourage super achievers who attended a school premeditated to produce inferior citizens mentally and emotionally. Can you believe, a stellar baseball & basketball athlete and honor student, Dr. CB Claiborne was invited to a reception at the White House after being selected as one of 121 “Presidential Scholars.” The scholars were chosen as representatives of the outstanding 1965 high school graduates.

“CLAUDIUS CLAIBORNE, winner of a National Achievement Scholar, will enter Duke University in the fall to study engineering. Ranked No. 1 in his Langton High School (Danville) class, the talented basketball player led his team to the finals in the VIA Group I State Tournament recently concluded at Hampton Institute. Duke Cage Coach Vic Bubas said ‘Claiborne would be welcome to come out for the team and compete for a position.’ Should he make the grade, Claiborne will be Duke’s first

Negro Basketball player.”

Daily Press Newport News, Virginia Friday April 3, 1965; page 31

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