Awards Banquet and Planning Meeting
The VIA Heritage Association held their annual Awards Banquet on June 29, 2018, in Charlottesville, Virginia. The banquet celebrated the accomplishments of the VIA, and the following people were inducted into the 2018 Hall of Fame: Ronald Bolton, Joseph Bradley, Earl Faison, Richard Faison, Jim Lewis, Jerry Venable, Coach Alphonso Hamilton, Eugene Thompson, Arnold Thurmond, Willie Travis, William Bailey, Julian Earls, and Marguerita Ragsdale.
Dr. Marcus Martin, Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Equity at the University of Virginia (UVA), was the keynote speaker and Marguerita Ragsdale gave a speech on behalf of all the inductees.
Mossi Tull, Joshua Wright, Nqobile Mthethwa, Kristal Clemons, Gretchen Generett. Seated: Knox Tull and grandchildren.
Teaching for Change had a table to share the VIA Story website with banquet attendees. At the invitation of Knox Tull, key partners attended the special event including Professor Gretchen Generett, Dr. Kristal Clemons, Dr. Joshua Wright, and Nqobile Mthethwa. The following morning they met in Charlottesville to make plans for the rest of the year.